Welcome to Vega Pharma
Together, we are working toward a Healthier Community.
Who We Are
We strive to make society healthy, by providing quality products at affordable prices. Our core strength is dynamic, innovative and experienced team, which anticipates and responds to challenges to create a difference.
Community Support
Our culture involves sharing success with the community at large. We have pursued non-commercial venture and contributed towards health consciousness, collaborating with Civil Society Organizations (CSO)
We believe in innovation and that the way we get innovating is to fund research and learn to basic facts. Only then we can foresee challenges and find their solutions.
Quality Check
We are committed to produce high quality products in compliance with international standards. We understand the power of quality.
Our Imagination turns to innovation. Innovation is the key to everything to future can be.
Your Health our Mission
Improving health is our communities. Our passion for better medicine.
Our Product Range
Ear Drop
Eye Drop
Nasal Spray